Sushi Den is honored and humbled to be celebrating 30 successful years serving our guests, now our friends and family, here in Denver.
December 24, 2014 marks our anniversary. Yes, we boldly opened Sushi Den on Christmas Eve 1984, serving authentic Japanese cuisine and pristine sushi and sashimi in a land-locked city, the land of buffalo, which didn't have much exposure to sushi yet. Okay, so maybe we didn't quite understand just how bold we were at that time, but we have never looked back.
Over the years, Denver became our home, and serving you, our guests, the freshest fish and highest quality ingredients available, became our life's work. We have watched your children grow up, and dine with us with their children. This gives us immense gratification, and we sincerely thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
In order to celebrate our 30th year, we have held 5 special Sake Dinner Events throughout this year.
As we approach our anniversary date, we want to thank you when you dine at Sushi Den by offering a complimentary "Furumai Sake" during dinner between December 17th and 24th. Furumai Sake is a traditional thank you gesture to honored guests. For this occasion, an authentic sake cask called "Taru" is used and the complimentary "Taru Sake" will be served to each guest as they arrive to the restaurant. Furumai Sake will be served in a wooden serving box, which is called a "Masu".

Exclusive Artisan Dinner Experience
December 15 (Mon), 2014
Join us for an exclusive, artisan dinner experience in the private dining room at Izakaya Den on Monday, December 15th, with traditional Japanese cuisine prepared by world acclaimed
77 year old Japanese Ceramics Master, Takashi Nakazato, (learn more). Come find out why this revered ceramics master sees the artistry of food is inseparable from his ceramics creation.
Please read more on Exclusive Artisan Dinner Experience
* Date: December 15th (Mon) 6:30pm
* Location: Private Event Room at Izakaya Den
* Ticket: $100 person - tickets good for this event only. No refunds, tickets cannot be redeemed for cash and have no cash value.
* Further Information:

Japanese Ceramics Show
December 7-24, 2014 (Sun-Wed)
Mr. Nakazato's accomplished student, Kazu Oba, who lives in the Denver area, will demonstrate his work at the potter's wheel and display his Japanese ceramics.
Ceramics are available for purchase.
* Date: December 7-24, 2014
* Hours: Mon~Fri (6:00pm~11:00pm) | Sat~Sun (10:00am~11:00pm)
* Location: OTOTO space at 1501 South Pearl St.,
across the street from Sushi Den.

If you are interested in these events, please read further information below.
Have a wonderful Holiday season!
Toshi Kizaki
Owner Chef/Sushi Den
Great Holiday Gift Ideas!
Give the Gift of SLICED!
SLICED, the popular sushi-making class at Izakaya Den, is an ideal holiday gift for friends and loved ones. Gift certificates can be purchased for $70, which includes a two-hour class with one of Sushi Den/Izakaya Den's popular sushi chefs. The lucky certificate holder will learn tricks of the trade on how to make sushi and then sit for a meal of 20 pieces of sushi, miso soup and green tea. If you are interested, please check this page, more Information, Sliced! Sushi Making Class.
Give the Gift of Sushi with Our Gift Card!
How about sending our Sushi Den, Izakaya Den Gift Card for the Holiday season? Our very popular gift card is redeemable at both restaurants.
It is sure to be appreciated by your loved ones!
More Information, Sushi Den Gift Cards.
Exclusive Artisan Dinner Experience
Unlike any other cuisine, one of the unique aspects of Japanese cuisine is to artfully harmonize the food and sake
with the ceramics on which they are served, to enhance each other and highlight the best in each creation.
A nuance in the fine art of Japanese cuisine is to choose the ceramics that visually complement the food
and in turn, enhances the flavor of the food.
As part of our 30th year celebration, Mr. Takashi Nakazato, a world acclaimed ceramic artist, is coming
to celebrate Sushi Den by organizing an exclusive dinner event for us.
He has been one of my mentors for many years and his influence has contributed to the success of our restaurant.
This time, Mr Nakazato is personally cooking and he is also using his ceramics for the plating.
His style of cooking is not a commercial style. It is more like what you experience in Japan - when the host invites his guests into his home and prepares the meal for his guests. This dinner will be for 24 people, maximum.
Therefore, this is going to be a rather unique cultural experience, far more than a traditional dinner event we have offered at our restaurant. Therefore anyone who loves Japanese culture such as Japanese ceramics, Zen Buddhism, traditional Japanese cooking,
the concept of Omotenashi - Japanese concept of hospitality - would appreciate spending this memorable time with us.
Symbiotic Relationship
Even though I and Mr. Nakazato have a different profession, we are both connected with one common goal,
which is to serve our guests delicious food in a harmonious and artful way so as to enhance the dining experience.
More so than other cuisines, Japanese chefs work closely with the ceramic artists to make specific ceramics for
their style of cooking. Without ceramics, chefs cannot present our food to the guests, and without a chef's beautiful gastronomic creations, ceramics do not become complete. In this sense, we have a symbiotic relationship.
And when we complement each other, we are in perfect harmony and become one as fine art.
In Japan, ceramic artists also study food and cooking to enhance their art. Just as Japanese chefs study ceramics, flower arrangement and also calligraphy to enhance theirs.
7 Course Dinner Menu
Under normal circumstances, I am the one to create the meal at the restaurant and Mr. Nakazato's ceramics assist
my creation for the plating. In this occasion, Mr. Nakazato is our guest chef who will personally prepare the menu
with only natural ingredients based on the simple old home cooking methods which chefs of olden days practiced.
The 7 course menu is currently being created. No Mirin or sugar is used in his cooking.
Please note that specific dietary restrictions cannot be accommodated at this dinner.
Takashi Nakazato
Takashi Nakazato, is a world acclaimed ceramic artist.
He is currently 77 years old. He was born as the fifth son in 1937 in Karatsu, Saga Prefecture, the southernmost island
of Japan called Kyushu into a family with an extremely long history of participation in creative pottery work.
Takashi's late father, Taroemon Nakazato Muan, was a Living National Treasure in Japan.
Takashi Nakazato and his eldest brother Houan Nakazato are part of the 12th generation in this family of Karatsu potters.
Toshi Kizaki
Owner Chef/Sushi Den